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I retired from the Army with a handsome amount of remuneration on retirement. I am not a very financial person, and this brought me tension! There were hundreds of pieces of advice; I was convinced I would have to take the advice of a financial doctor- a Certified Financial Advisor. That was the time an Army colleague introduced me to Mr Taresh Bhatia. During our interaction, Taresh seemed to know his Business and was logical and convincing. We went through my Goals and risk appetite scientifically, and an investment plan was made. I am so happy that my hard-earned money was well cared for and the returns on my investment are showing. Tareshji takes a good care of the portfolio and does an interim review of all investment . I am very satisfied and happy with my financial state.

Col Munish Bhanot
Col Munish Bhanot
Ex Army,

Before I met Taresh my investment pattern was not systematic and not linked to any financial plan or goals. This gave a lot of insecurity whether the savings or investment made were right and sufficient to meet the forthcoming expenses, especially during the retirement phase

Taresh helped me systematically list my expenses and goals and allot a financial value and time frame to them. Linking the investment to these financial goals with instruments based on my risk-taking ability helped to prepare a prudent and transparent financial plan. 

I am more confident about meeting my goals in the future and this has reduced the anxiety on this account.Further the financial education recieved during various interactions with Taresh has improved my insight on financial topics helping me to make an informed decision

Sunil Lalla
Sunil Lalla
Retired as a Tech Consultant,

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